The MySOT eBoard Toxicology Forum is live! Click to access.

About MySOT


To be the scientific voice of toxicology in Malaysia

Purpose and Functions

  • The general purpose of the society shall be to foster scientific cooperation among Malaysian and international toxicologists as well as to promote world-wide acquisition, dissemination and utilization of knowledge in the science of Toxicology

  • The purpose of the society shall also be to promote and advance the study and application of toxicology in all its aspects and to cultivate (and maintain) the highest principles of practice and ethics in persons engaged in the sciences of toxicology and ancillary sciences


  • To provide leadership as a national scientific organization that objectively addresses global issues involving toxicology and its ancillary sciences

  • To broaden the geographical base of toxicology as a discipline and a profession to Malaysia

  • To pursue capacity building in toxicology in Malaysia by utilizing its global perspective and network to contribute to the enhancement of toxicology education and career development of young toxicologists

Become a member

Types Registration fee Annual fee
Ordinary member RM 20.00 RM 50.00
Lifetime member - RM 500.00*
Associate member RM 20.00 RM 200.00
Student member RM 10.00 RM 15.00

* One time fee